Augmented Reality Art
(To see how AR works with the artwork that headlines this article, follow the steps below)
1. Download the Artivive App from Apple Store or Google Play to your smart phone or Ipad
2. Hold your smartphone over the image
3. Watch as the embedded video plays
What is AR ? AR is a mobile device–viewable animation and audio placed into an original or print of the original artwork . Simply by placing your device over the artwork or print (similar to a QR code) , the animation comes to life .
In my latest pieces if you download the app , you can view through your smartphone an animation of the artwork.
AR has seen exciting growth in art shows overseas and I also saw it recently at the Christchurch Art Show.
My most recent series of Wildflowers and Ski Art have all had this technology embedded . So if you are purchasing a print or an original of my recent artworks , or ordering a commission make sure to ask me how it works so you can experience it and impress your friends .